

  • Adress :
    • Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Barcelona
    • Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585, 08007 Barcelona
    • Room T1

Hotel recommendations

Restaurant recommendations

  • Centfocs Typical food (daily menu). Suitable for big groups (5 min).
  • La flauta Typical food (daily menu or "tapes"). Crowded after 13:00; not suitable for big groups (6 min).
  • Flamant Typical food (daily menu). Suitable for big groups (9 min).
  • L'hortet Vegetarian daily menu. Not suitable for big groups (14 min).
  • Teresa Carles Vegetarian daily menu and dishes (8 min).
  • Veggie Garden Vegan daily menu and dishes (4 min).
  • Macrobiotic Zen Vegan daily menu. Not suitable for big groups (7 min).
  • Savta Fancy sandwiches (7 min).
  • Bar Fidel Sandwiches (12 min).
  • Arrosseria Xátiva Paella and its variants (7 min).
  • La valenciana Salad, small "tapes", dessert, and orxata to go (4 min).
  • Pho Hanoi Vietnamese food (5 min).
  • Ghandi Indian food (4 min).
  • Forn la Rambla 31 Sanwiches and food to go (8 min).
  • L'antic forn Traditional food. Higher price (13 min).

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