The conference will be held at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the UB, which is located at the
Historic Building of the University of Barcelona.
Adress :
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Barcelona
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585, 08007 Barcelona
Room T1
Hotel recommendations
Residencia investigadores
Calédonien Hotel
Turin Hotel
Restaurant recommendations
Typical food (daily menu). Suitable for big groups (5 min).
La flauta
Typical food (daily menu or "tapes"). Crowded after 13:00; not suitable for big groups (6 min).
Typical food (daily menu). Suitable for big groups (9 min).
Vegetarian daily menu. Not suitable for big groups (14 min).
Teresa Carles
Vegetarian daily menu and dishes (8 min).
Veggie Garden
Vegan daily menu and dishes (4 min).
Macrobiotic Zen
Vegan daily menu. Not suitable for big groups (7 min).
Fancy sandwiches (7 min).
Bar Fidel
Sandwiches (12 min).
Arrosseria Xátiva
Paella and its variants (7 min).
La valenciana
Salad, small "tapes", dessert, and orxata to go (4 min).
Pho Hanoi
Vietnamese food (5 min).
Indian food (4 min).
Forn la Rambla 31
Sanwiches and food to go (8 min).
L'antic forn
Traditional food. Higher price (13 min).
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